About CCTextFieldTTF.How can I keep what I inputs by keyboard on android?

textFieldCtl = CCTextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder(“shurujuese”, “Thonburi”, 64);
this->addChild(textFieldCtl, 1);
I add an CCTextFieldTTF like this,and I use onTextFieldInsertText get what I inputs as this:
bool Creat::onTextFieldInsertText (CCTextFieldTTF * pSender, const char **text, int nLen)
save[str_i++] =**text;

if (‘’ == text)
save = ‘’;
It work well on win32.debug;but when run it on android,I can’t get my inputs,and save[str_i] only can get
text once.

RE:I just want to get what I inputs on android, and keep it.