Yes or No: Party Play game for Apple TV4

Yeah! We managed to finish it and pass review process in Apple Store for our new game “Yes or No: Party play” just in time :smile:

Game is developed for Apple TV4 using Cocos2d-x framework - thanks to @elvman for his effort making it happen.

(There is our promo image for game, unfortunately it didn’t passed Apple review, as they complained that it using Apple trademark and some products logo, we had no time to investigate which exactly part causing that issue, so we just removed this image from app description.)

Gameplay is very simple, you get questions with possible answers Yes or No - for correct answer you get points. For fastest answer you get additional points.

Get more points to win the game:

As it is Party game we wanted to make it playable for multiple users on same Apple TV and because not many users have additional devices to play it we made IOS app which works as extra controller in game:

Game was developed in 2.5 Weeks, as we were in rush to submit build before 15th December to have a chance get reviewed and published in App Store before Christmas. As it was developed in that short time, there is only 2 characters for now. Game not yet all the way perfect, but we will work on improvements after Christmas holidays.

So now you have at least one cool app :smiley: to play it on your brand new Apple TV with friends :smile:

Have fun!

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Congratulations on your release!

I guess it’s because of the shapes/appearances of the gamepads, controllers, phones and pads. They just look like Xbox/PS4 controllers, iPhones and iPads.

I think it is related to Apple TV controller buttons, iphone & ipad icons are abstract without home button. Controllers are to common to distinct them and only apple tv remote buttons seems to be to similar.

The Apple TV controller would also be abstract, because of different dimensions between the upper buttons and the touch panel. The iDevices are not abstract enough, as they have the exact dimensions, but without the home button. The major point is, that they have rounded corners :wink:

We are talking about Apple here. They have a long history in suing people/companies using “i”-Wording, logos/pictures of apples and rounded corners!

The shapes, especially the base, clearly resembles the shape of well known controllers.

As similar/different as the controllers, their buttons and the analog sticks.

Please keep us informed. I’m eager to know, if Apple is still on their rounded corner stuff, but does not care about the resemblance of other devices.

Congrats on the release! I think you might be the first game on the Apple TV using cocos2d-x.

It’s not first :slight_smile: