Windows Phone 8.1 Solution retarget

From what I can gather from several posts ( Bluetooth in WP 8.1, How to target cocos2d-x game for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 Projects) there seems to be a need to retarget cocos2d-x windows phone projects to 8.1

This need is easily explainable since WP 8.0 uses VS2012 toolchain and its C++ 11 support is extremely lacking.

I am also currently struggling with this problem since I am unable to retarget the solution without creating lots of problems along the way and never reaching a proper state.

So, if anyone has been able to retarget their solutions to 8.1, please post here. That way we could push those changes to the repository and add information on the wiki about how to do that.

Thank you

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Just an heads up regarding this issue, according MSOpenTech in their cocos2d-x fork,

We hope to release Universal App support at the end of September.