Windows Game Contest!

Where can I view all applications accepted to participate in the competition?

You cannot do this.

E-Mail and ask for help. I can reply there.

I’ve downloaded latest cocos (2.2.8) + cocos2d-x 3.6 framework and no windows phone project is created. Only console works, but… the size and compilation time :smiley:

Hi! Yesterday I sent my game to the contest but I didn’t receive any confirmation. Can you confirm that my game “Faster Than You”, is in the list?


Ported our Adrift Adrift IndiePrize participant (Now Pods to Riches)
Running smooth on Windows 8!

How can I make sure my games taken into the contest?

I cannot verify that we have the submission yet. I only receive a list every Tuesday.

maybe try 2.2.9?

I get a list every Tuesday.

I tried 2.2.9. It’s not looking like a bug… It’s like this since the new project templates (precompiled). Why is everyone ignoring windows phone? Please, take a look. It’ll really make my life simpler is project can have several megabytes not 8gb :slight_smile: And I prefer compliling over few seconds, not few minutes :slight_smile:

I added the games to participate in the competition about a month ago.

Said every software developer, ever…I mean EVER… :slight_smile:

I have 2 submissions from you.

I think it’s time to get some new hardware or use distributed compilation. :smile:

I remember the times, where I poked in ASM or even hexdump. Compilation time: ZERO.

I have nice new, hardware. 15 inch MacBook Pro, 512 SSD, dual video cards, 16gb RAM, what else…hmmmm

Xcode removed distcc sadly. I used to have it running on all the macsI own to farm out compiles too.

I remember the times I wrote in BASIC, age 10, eating powered doughnuts and drinking chocolate milk. Compile time, who knows. Getting to eat unlimited doughnuts, priceless :slight_smile:

16GB RAM? Come on, the new Pascal GPUs coming in 2016 have that amount :stuck_out_tongue:
I think I will stick to my i7/16GB RAM machine till then.

Ever tried these:

Powered by powder? :smile:
Doughnuts and CM still sounds very good…

I think you misunderstood me.
I mean it’s already fast, but on NEW TEMPLATE. On my iMac compliation (first time) it’s just about few seconds, because there’s no need to compile 600+ cocos2d-x library files (it’s precompiled). I’m not complaining about compilation time, but that NEW TEMPLATE, which I want to use, lacks windows phone project. That forces me to use OLD TEMPLATE, which takes a lot of time for compliation (windows phone is the longest). And when I change c++/cli delegates (called from c# code) I need to rebuild whole project and because of that whole cocos2d-x library will rebuild too, which takes A LOT of time. If cocos2d-x will be precompiled for windows phone too it will as fast as lighting.
Am I clear now?

Can you give an estimate on it? How do you define “a LOT of time”? 3 seconds? 3 minutes? 3 hours?

About ten minutes.