Windows Game Contest!

I will inquire about it again.

So my game is ported, if anyone wont to check it out:

Is company account under which will be published game is eligible to participate or only individual person accounts are eligible?

Is there possibility to run WP8.1 game using cocos2d-x 3.6 c++ in HD mode, it seems that game running by default in low resolution mode. Like device with screen size 1920x1080 automatically scaled to 738x415 resolution in cocos.

both company and individual accounts are eligible.

I don’t know the answer to your HD question.

This is the link to How to publish App to Windows Store or Windows Phone Store.

How to - Helps you to publish apps for Windows/windows Phone Store

Is it the right information?
Or I was wrong?

I have opened a post asking how to integrate Ads for Windows phone because I have no clue … could someone help me?

are you giving away your creations for free for the contest?

this is the link

Hello everyone, just wanted to ask if there’s a way to contact contest organizers in order to clarify if my application has reached them well. I have just applied for contest but did not receive any confirmation email about it, so I am wondering what are the next steps and how to check if everything is OK. Thanks!

what do you mean applied? Requested a token? Or did you submit an app already and want confirmation that we have received the submission?

My app has passed submission to Windows Store today. After that I opened this link, filled in the form “Apply to the Contest with your published App link” and clicked “Submit”. The message about “success” appeared, but I am not sure if everything is done correctly, just wanted to check this.

PM me with your name, e-mail address, etc that you used for submission and I can check to see if it was in the last batch of submissions.

@slackmoehrle I sent a mail to and i got the token. But when i try to register with an individual account giving all details , at the payment tab i selected token. When i insert the token that you provided it says token error. Please solve this for me and give me the right token

Where can I view all applications accepted to participate in the competition?

You cannot do this.

E-Mail and ask for help. I can reply there.

I’ve downloaded latest cocos (2.2.8) + cocos2d-x 3.6 framework and no windows phone project is created. Only console works, but… the size and compilation time :smiley:

Hi! Yesterday I sent my game to the contest but I didn’t receive any confirmation. Can you confirm that my game “Faster Than You”, is in the list?


Ported our Adrift Adrift IndiePrize participant (Now Pods to Riches)
Running smooth on Windows 8!

How can I make sure my games taken into the contest?

I cannot verify that we have the submission yet. I only receive a list every Tuesday.

maybe try 2.2.9?