Will there be separate Lite documentation?

I was encouraged by the recent thread on CocosCreator and the re-hiring of @slackmoehrle but am a bit confused on the path forwards.

Currently the Cocos Docs repo generates docs for the JS and full C++ API.

It seems likely we will be living with the Lite engine in Cocos Creator for a long time, I’m assuming 1-2 years.

I have one project at a sufficiently early stage I’m considering migrating its Android version to cocos2d-x-lite, whilst I’m also migrating the Apple version to SpriteKit for Metal and tvOS support.

Is there a plan to spinoff docs for cocos2dx-lite c++ version?

In my experience of porting, producing docs can be a very useful audit activity for the branched API and would help community adoption. The work to trim the docs would help produce a migration list of what’s different about Lite.

I have some experience of documenting and managing ported APIs, most recently nearly two years on the Realm Xamarin SDK but have been developing software for over 30 years including shipping a few other products to developers along the way. I have extremely limited time but am willing to provide some to this community.

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I’m not sure if there could be docs generated for cocos2d-x-lite but I can clone the repo and give it a go

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