Why the "Export to Big Picture" function has been drop out in CocoStudio 2?

Is there no need to use packed textures with cocos2d-x 3 ?

There is not even a word from anybody about this?
In the latest CocoStudio, even Armature Animations are exported as one bone with one separate PNG file. In a moderate scale game, there will be thousands of PNGs if we use it. And I also haven’t got an idea of how to use TP together with CS .
So what workflow is recommended about the Armature Animations in cocos2d-x? Can anybody give me some clue on this?

By the way, there already has an sensible slow in our game when playing Armature Animations after upgrade cocos2d-x from 2.3 to cocos2d-x 3.6, which I think has something to do with the lacking of ‘BatchNode’.