Why cocos2dx insisting using C++11?

I admit that C++11 includes many new features that make development easy, for example, auto, bind, and the likes. However, why insist using new feature? We can also delcare the concrete variable instead of the keyword ‘auto’. To some extent, please pardon my expression, if you think C++11 is convenient, then you do not have a good command of C++.
C++11 is not that of C++, but a hybrid.

I don’t know performance and command C++11 vs C++. I want to know it

c++11 is C++. I don’t understand your argument. Is is like saying “let’s stick with the C++ of 1979.”

Why I can’t use some features of C++11 on eclipse?

@Tony Chen
I am sorry, i can’t catch your idea?
Is there any problem to use c++11?

For what it’s worth, I’m glad cocos2d-x is embracing C++11. The last time I used C++ was about 10 years ago, and the changes that are in C++11 are a welcome improvement.

If we can use more effective way to create things, no reason to lay it down.
C++ 11 did gave us too many good and easy methods, we just need to study, cost no more a week.
I’m very enjoy to use c++11 features, too many things I needn’t to care.

What’s your version of cocos2d-x?

Awirut Ratnon wrote:

Why I can’t use some features of C++11 on eclipse?

Juhong Jung wrote:

What’s your version of cocos2d-x?

Awirut Ratnon wrote:

Why I can’t use some features of C++11 on eclipse?

It’s 2.2.1.
I mean I can use C++11 features on Visual Studio, for example auto, shared_ptr, range-based loop, etc, but on eclipse I can’t use these features.

@Awirut Ratnon:

install eclipse with cdt, version kepler
listed features work just fine

C++11 should be used all the time, great improvements.

Just one point that using C++11 should improve your coding manner, especially you are heavily using auto