why cocos2d-x 3.0 don't support png file compressed by pngcrush?

I have a png file(attached) compressed by pngcrush, when I use Sprite::create(“start.png”) to create sprite, it can display correct use cocos2d-x 2.x
but after I update cocos2d-x to 3.0, it can not show anymore, it show “libpng error cgbi unknown critical chunk”

my question:

  1. did I use cocos2d-x 3.0 wrong way?
  2. did cocos2d-x team have removed this feature on cocos2d-x 3?

attached file, star.png was the compressed file, start1.png is the file revert by pngcrush.

star1.png (2.4 KB)

star.png (2.6 KB)

any body can help?

i cant even see your file in chrome browser