Why CCLabelAtlas seems cannot support `setCascadeOpacityEnabled`'s feature?

Hello guys here, i’m a cocos2dx newer:)
I’m using cocos2dx for game developing, and got this problem:

CCLayer (setCascadeOpacityEnabled(true))
|—— CCLabelAtlas
|—— CCSprite

I have a Layer and have some childrens, this layer setCascadeOpacityEnabled(true),
I found then the CCSprite child has the right opacity which changed with the parent layer,
but CCLabelAtlas will not change it’s opacity when layer’s opacity changes.
I even set CCLabelAtlas’s setCascadeOpacityEnabled to true, and got no help.

Anyone else got this problem before? Thanks for any answer….:slight_smile:

Yep, it’s a bug. Cocos2d-html5 has fixed it here https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-html5/pull/1213.
We will fix it for cocos2d-x soon. Thanks for your feedback.

Issue http://www.cocos2d-x.org/issues/3162 was created. Thanks.

Thanks very much, Chen:)
I will keep a watch for this issue, Thanks for your great contributions!