why android use ccbi and ios use ccb?

why android use ccbi and ios use ccb?

Could you tell me which project do it like that?

James Chen wrote:

Could you tell me which project do it like that?

ccb is used in XXX.ccbproj to generate ccbi files. In TestCpp/Resources/ccb, there are some ccb files, but they just for us to change some configurations when needed.
So in your game probject, you don’t need to include ccb files, just using the Publish-xxx folder.

lu mingyuan wrote:

James Chen wrote:
> Could you tell me which project do it like that?

I see, 3q

James Chen wrote:

ccb is used in XXX.ccbproj to generate ccbi files. In TestCpp/Resources/ccb, there are some ccb files, but they just for us to change some configurations when needed.
So in your game probject, you don’t need to include ccb files, just using the Publish-xxx folder.
lu mingyuan wrote:
> cocosbuilder
> James Chen wrote:
> > Could you tell me which project do it like that?