Where is freetype2 library?


So I am trying to build a game with cocos using C++. I did it previously with 2.X but I am having few issues since in v3 the structure changed a bit.

What’s the issue?

I cannot build cocos C++ library for android when checking out from source.

What’s the engine version?

I got it from git on v3. but i realized 3.1-alpha1 has similar structure.

How to reproduce it?

just run proj.android/build_native.py to build the C++ library.
output will be : Cannot find module with tag ‘freetype2/rebuilt/android’ in import path
Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ?

I cannot find this directory in cocos repository. Am I supposed to have another directory outside and add it to the NDK_MODULE_PATH ? Or should the android build work out of the box only with cocos ?
Am I missing something ?

Thanks a lot.

It seems this post refers to the same problem.

I’ll look at this more closely when I get home, but I think the ‘external’ path needs to be in NDK_MODULE_PATH

You should find this file exists, with libs in the various arch directories:
and the sources in:

Ah, I just found out the download-deps.py script, that downloads all missing binary libs in the proper place.

Sorry for the noise.
I guess this should just be mentioned in the docs somewhere, if it is not already.

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thank you :slight_smile: