What do you use for development of Cocos2d-JS?

WebStorm + Chrome for me.

+1 with WebStorm + Chrome with JetBrains IDE support plugin : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jetbrains-ide-support/hmhgeddbohgjknpmjagkdomcpobmllji
It works great.

yeah, an IDE is needed.
@walzer or @ShunLin can tell you more about our IDE plans.

+1 with WebStorm + Chrome.

Would be great to hear something on this…

I found a workaround to recover Cocos Code IDE 1.2 with 3.9 and js: cocos2d 3.9 Cocos Code IDE

Yeah I just saw that - could you post some detail here? Would be very helpful. Thanks!

It works in Android. I haven’t got a Mac computer, I’m sorry @pandemosth .


  1. Download Cocos2d-js-3.6.1 and Cocos2d-x-3.9. Unzip them.
  2. First, go to your Cocos2d-x-3.9 installation folder and execute setup.py to be sure you are using cocos2d-x 3.9.
  3. Create in your projects folder a new project using runtime template: cocos new runtime39 -l js -t runtime
  4. Open runtime39 project folder
  5. Remove all files from frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/ except AppDelegate.* files.
  6. Copy all files from Cocos2d-js-3.6.1/templates/js-template-runtime/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/ except AppDelegate.* files to frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/.
  7. Open frameworks/runtime-src/proj.win32/runtime39.sln with Visual Studio Community 2015
  8. Resolve AppDelegate.cpp errors. Take as reference Cocos2d-js-3.6.1\templates\js-template-runtime\frameworks\runtime-src\Classes\AppDelegate.cpp
  9. Resolve rapidjson errors in multiple files. Take as reference runtime39/frameworks/cocos2d-x/tools/simulator/libsimulator/lib. rapidjson was updated from 3.6.1.
  10. Finally in proj.android:
    • Add Runtime_android.cpp from Cocos2d-js-3.6.1/templates/js-template-runtime/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/proj.android/jni/
    • Remove libsimulator from jni/Android.mk. Take as reference Cocos2d-js-3.6.1/templates/js-template-runtime/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/proj.android/jni/Android.mk

Execute cocos compile -p android -m debug --ap android-23 -j 3 --no-res to create your runtime apk compatible with Cocos Code IDE 1.2.0.

Dare someone with iOS?

If you have any question, feel free to ask me.

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I use Atom it is light like sublime and it has good code completion too!
just install its tern plugin and your ready to work

its fast and customizable you can check it out :wink:

Hi @eydamson:

I use Atom too and Chrome for web debug.

So web engine and native engine are different, I use Cocos Code IDE only for native debug (Remote Debugging and Hot Swapping) to improve productivity. Alternative is recompile your native package constantly.

your right sir @patriciog, atom doesnt have a debugger like that so far, so i use an actual phone and firefox for native debugging… but he is asking for web tools right? hehe but i’ll gonna try your solution since cocos code ide has no support anymore… but the problem is that cocos code ide is slow… and its kind a annoying… hehe :smile:

My approach is:

  • Development Time: Atom + Chrome
  • Test/Debug/Run Time: Cocos Code IDE + Runtime Package
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Just to clarify. I’m interested in native app development (not Web based).
I was quite happy with the old Cocos Code IDE (eclipse based) because it had all one really needs.
The only problem is that newer versions of cocos are not supported.
I hope that the workaround described by @patriciog works.
I’ll test it soon. Thank you guys for all your hints so far :wink:

Feel free to ask me if you have any question, @pepeek.

The Digital Spell Team wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

I share here the prebuild runtime.apk for cocos2d-x 3.9 like it was provided in the past. It is compiled using cocos2d-x 3.9 and old simulator/runtime classes (without simulator library). It supports Remote Debugging and Hot Swapping (reload changes at runtime) on Cocos Code IDE 1.2.

Finally I expose my conclusion. It isn’t the panacea, because it has several crashes related with reload changes when you have a complex game (multiple scenes…). Note that we are using old runtime/simulator code classes from cocos2d-js 3.6. It works fine with hello world sample code. We need help.

Please @slackmoehrle, @pandamicro, @yinjimmy or someone know about this issue:

  • We don’t know how use it after all-in-one Cocos2d-x&JS v3.7 was released: What is the aim of simulatorlib? How are people using it? I see you are keeping it: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/tree/v3/tools/simulator/libsimulator
  • At evaluation and comparision of tools, I decided on Cocos2d-x when I saw Remote Debugging and Hot Swapping. Will you include these useful and productive features in the future? Let me know if I can count with cocos2d-x on the next project.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

@patriciog sir how can i use your apk to debug my ks project?
do you have steps listed thank you…

I don’t know about this issue. Let us ask @nite. I know he is pretty handy with javascript.

Hi @eydamson:

You need Cocos Code IDE. See WIKI for more info: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki/How_to_Debug_Cocos2d-JS_Game_Using_Code_IDE

sir @patriciog i use your apk in cocos code but the editor throws error like this

even though my device is not locked and it has debugging enable on
can you gues why? thanks sir

Are you using ADB or WLAN Mode @eydamson?