What do you use for development of Cocos2d-JS?

What do you guys in Chukong currently use for development of Cocos2d-JS apps?

The beauty of JS app is the instant reflection of you code changes in the runtime where all your native code is built.
What tool with such great feature is recommended?

Cocos Code IDE is discontinued (see Is cocos code IDE shut down? Can't find the download link).

AndroidStudio is for Android…

What are the plans for future? Which way to go?

Well this can be very partial solution for the web :

Then you can continue to debug the native code with Firefox version 24

This is problem , i wish they open source the CocosIDE

It would be great for someone to answer this question!

There have been a few questions like this on the forum recently with no good answer as to how to develop and debug JS code on native.

Core team - what are the plans for having JS debug support in an IDE?

Everyone - how are you debugging on 3.7+ (not web, but javascript running on iOS / Android)?


Code IDE has been EOL’d. Although it’s functionality will be in a new editor on a future date.

I think that most people are using their favorite text editor and the command-line.

Thanks @slackmoehrle I am indeed using editor and command line too, but that doesn’t answer the big issue of debug support.

Sadly there is no support for the IntelliJ plugin anymore either. Which was the best way of development for me. I have no idea why this was discontinued.

(I would even happily pay for it, IntelliJ isn’t free anyway)

Sorry, I don’t know if we are planning any JS debugging support, but let me ask @ricardo to take a look at this. He may have some input as to a debugging workflow.

Why not just keep the IntelliJ Plugin up to date? It worked great.

I don’t even know if we develop the IntelliJ Plugin, you mentioning it now is news to me. Where do you see we develop this?

I think @CitizenK is referring to Cocos Code IDE 2.0 which was being developed as a replacement for the Eclipse based version. This was is an IntelliJ plugin, was launched as 2.0.0-beta and then dropped. Plenty of discussion on it here - http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org/c/editors-and-tools/code-ide

I too would pay for a decent IDE with debug support. As great as Cocos2d-x is, its just not sustainable without one.

If I remember correctly it was an extra download at version 3.5(?) from the Cocos download site (I think it was called something like “IntelliJ Plugin”), the plugin still works very well with the version 3.7 I’m currently using. But there is no download anymore. I guess it vanished with the official use of Webstorm. IntelliJ was a perfect fit for Cocos2D-JS. And the only real IDE I know of.

@pandemosth ah yes, seems it was the same plugin as with Code IDE 2.0 then, just as a standalone plugin. I didn’t use Code IDE because it had no intellisense. But IntelliJ was very good with intellisense and everything one needed for professional development with Cocos JS. Without it, it’s very painful, actually I wouldn’t recommend to work with Cocos JS, better use either C++ or move to Unity.

If I was starting a new project I’d agree @CitizenK

@slackmoehrle hope you can get a better answer for us from the team.

WebStorm + Chrome for me.

+1 with WebStorm + Chrome with JetBrains IDE support plugin : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jetbrains-ide-support/hmhgeddbohgjknpmjagkdomcpobmllji
It works great.

yeah, an IDE is needed.
@walzer or @ShunLin can tell you more about our IDE plans.

+1 with WebStorm + Chrome.

Would be great to hear something on this…

I found a workaround to recover Cocos Code IDE 1.2 with 3.9 and js: cocos2d 3.9 Cocos Code IDE

Yeah I just saw that - could you post some detail here? Would be very helpful. Thanks!

It works in Android. I haven’t got a Mac computer, I’m sorry @pandemosth .


  1. Download Cocos2d-js-3.6.1 and Cocos2d-x-3.9. Unzip them.
  2. First, go to your Cocos2d-x-3.9 installation folder and execute setup.py to be sure you are using cocos2d-x 3.9.
  3. Create in your projects folder a new project using runtime template: cocos new runtime39 -l js -t runtime
  4. Open runtime39 project folder
  5. Remove all files from frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/ except AppDelegate.* files.
  6. Copy all files from Cocos2d-js-3.6.1/templates/js-template-runtime/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/ except AppDelegate.* files to frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/.
  7. Open frameworks/runtime-src/proj.win32/runtime39.sln with Visual Studio Community 2015
  8. Resolve AppDelegate.cpp errors. Take as reference Cocos2d-js-3.6.1\templates\js-template-runtime\frameworks\runtime-src\Classes\AppDelegate.cpp
  9. Resolve rapidjson errors in multiple files. Take as reference runtime39/frameworks/cocos2d-x/tools/simulator/libsimulator/lib. rapidjson was updated from 3.6.1.
  10. Finally in proj.android:
    • Add Runtime_android.cpp from Cocos2d-js-3.6.1/templates/js-template-runtime/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/proj.android/jni/
    • Remove libsimulator from jni/Android.mk. Take as reference Cocos2d-js-3.6.1/templates/js-template-runtime/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/proj.android/jni/Android.mk

Execute cocos compile -p android -m debug --ap android-23 -j 3 --no-res to create your runtime apk compatible with Cocos Code IDE 1.2.0.

Dare someone with iOS?

If you have any question, feel free to ask me.

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