What are the differences between tools?

I am pretty confused with the differences between Cocos2d-x, Cocos and Cocos Creator? Do you need to use all of them to create games or are they each just different tools?

Cocos2d-x is the game engine.

Cocos is a graphical tool to help you create and manage your projects. It is optional, but does have a few integration benefits. If you don’t use Cocos, the graphical version, you can always use cocos from a command-line, it comes with Cocos2d-x. Cocos, the graphical version, does also include the latest Cocos2d-x production build (i.e not bleeding edge from GitHub)

Cocos Creator is a unified development environment that is replacing the EOL’d Cocos Studio and Cocos Code IDE. It supports JavaScript apps and c++ and Lua are being added very soon.


thank you for clarifying!

Can I use now “Cocos Creator” as IDE, for editing, building & debugging my c++ cocos code?

not quite yet. c++ is currently being added. I think by June.