Webview in wp8 app

Hello, I develop app for Windows Phone 8 with Cocos-2dx 2.2. Is it possible to create webview in my app?

Thanks to all

You can use xaml project to create c# component.

Okey, but how add this c# component to my cocos2d-x project?
In other words: how use native c# code in cocos2d-x project?

One of my coworker wrote a tutorial in Chinese, https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos-docs/blob/master/manual/framework/native/sdk-integration/wp8-webbrowser/zh.md, his English is super bad. If you don’t mind, you can use google translate to read it. I saw he run web browser widget on his wp8 cocos game successfully.

thx, this is solution for wp8. How can I add webview in winRT project?
I found native sample from mdsn:
but I don’t know how attach it to my cocos2d-x project.

thank’s in advance

any ideas?

As far as I know, most of people concern in wp8 about C#, winrt in cocos2d-x are not support C# now, may be later, and I will investigate in it, if you have any ideas or any solution in it, share here. Thanks.


I am also stuck at the same problem. i want to use webview for cocos2d-x game to be done for WINRT.

Please let us know how we can do that.


@SonarSystems, @nite, @zhangxm, @slackmoehrle, @energyy, @pandemosth could you comment please.
Any updates for webview on Windows ?

we used only once on 3.x version windows build, not sure if 2.2 version is good option for it as there is no w10 support.

@energyy, I need it for cocos2d-x 3.10.
Can you provide some example, on how to achieve this ?

We didn’t used webview - maybe check which Ads network exists for wp8 - maybe they have inside their sdk code or in documentation some info which will point you to right direction. For example SDK https://www.vserv.com/download-sdks-plugins-appwrapper/