WebRTC in cocos2d js

Hi, is possible to use WebRTC with cocos 2d js?

Websockets has many limitations, so I wish to move to WebRTC

Hi, sorry for question but what limitations you mean? I made my game server with socket and haven’t got any problems. Sorry for my bad english. :slight_smile:

Hi. I’m building MMO kind of game with cocos creator and golang server. It will be a html5 / windows native (for steam) game
here’s my blog http://dorogoi.pro/hoboserven

The problem is websocket is made over TCP protocol and WebRTC over UDP. TCP is much slower in case packet loss

check out this article

I want to protect myself from tcp related problems because I make a pretty big project right now

From this what I know JSB support only web socket. I think you will have to do it from “native” site. I’m making MMO RTS game and my server based on Json, Node.js and socket.io, but it will be for android only. Oh, and on website it’s written that it support only web, ios and android, so I don’t know if it works with Windows. Of course I can be wrong. :grinning: