Warning Bugs with audio clip

Hi, i’m working in the 2.1 version.
When i add some property that involves cc.AudioClip i get the next warning. Both warning are pointing to the same porperty, but are saying different things. I can’t asign an string to a cc.AudioClip property so i put null. works perfectly in the game but the warning it’s anoying.

Please change the definition of property 'song' in class 'MatchController'. Starting from v1.10,
properties in CCClass can not be abbreviated if they are of type RawAsset.
Please use the complete form.
For example, if the type is Texture2D, the previous definition is:
    song: cc.Texture2D,
Now it should be changed to:
    song: {
      type: cc.Texture2D // use 'type:' to define Texture2D object directly
      default: null,     // object's default value is null
(This helps us to successfully refactor all RawAssets at v2.0, sorry for the inconvenience. 😰 )

and this another warning.

*The default value of MatchController.song must be an empty string. (changed since 1.8)


define property like the following in ts:

        type : cc.AudioClip
    private song = null;

@Big_Bear Thanks your help.
mmmm… this makes the trick.
but in the documentation you have wrote that:

    "type": cc.AudioClip
private song: cc.AudioClip = null


private song2: cc.AudioClip = null

In the Audio clip it’s the only spot that i found that this works with unexpected behavior