Virtual keyboard does not show on iOS11

I’ve a problem in my App on iOS11 that I do not seem to be able to solve (yet). My app is build using version 3.15.1 of Cocos2d-x.

I’m using a TextFieldTTF for text input. On iOS 10, activating the field summons the iOS onscreen keyboard. On iOS 11 the keyboard does not show when previously an other IOS view has been shown.

TextFieldTTF * test = TextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder("<click here for input>", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);

Delegates are all there of course (same code works perfectly on iOS10).

Is this something that someone encountered before and knows a solutions for?

Can you please create a GitHub issue for this? Make sure to include a small code sample to help the developers look at this efficiently.

I’d love to do so, but have no idea how to do so. I did find a solution though:

In I changed:

#pragma mark - UIKeyInput protocol

- (BOOL)hasText
    return NO;


#pragma mark - UIKeyInput protocol

- (BOOL)hasText
    return YES;

Never mind

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Never mind