Use non-squared in tiled map - How are you creating your level?


I have a tiled map but i want to have other things that totally squared(yea tiled) inside of my map. I have made another shape that isn’t squared but exported it as a png with the size of 32x32. The problem is that I do not know if this is the correct way to do it :frowning:
Plus the fact that it is easy to apply physics to all the tiles when you only have to make the shape as a box but when you have non-squared things included and want to apply physics to those, I cannot figure out how to do that.
Here is a picture of my tiles with the “odd” shapes included.

So my question is - How to add those non-squared objects into my map when I also want to apply physics around the object?

Thanks, hope you get me! :slight_smile:

Update: I would also love to hear how to create your level if you also need anything else that sqaured tiles


could you be more specific as to what you wish to accomplish?

I’m working on isometric tilemaps with tilesets that have different dimensions from the tilemap to create 2.5 kind of pseudo 3d graphics, and without knowing your intended functionality the question seems to vague for me.


I simply want to have objects within my map that isn’t shaped quadratically but then my problem is that tiled maps are based on quardratic objects right - So it would not really be easy to add objects like a triangle into the map using softwares like “Tiled” simultaneously as being able to find the sprite and add physics around the triangle because you probably have to insert the triangle using a quardratic image…

Wow I just wish this was easier to explain …

Thanks for taking time to look at this :slight_smile: