"TypeError: this._super is not a function" after using "cocos2d.py jscompile" to create .jsc files

My cocos2d-x version is 3.0 . Please help me?

cocos2d: JS: cocos2d-x/projects/ENJS/Resources/src/myApp.js:89:TypeError: this._super is not a function

cocos2d: (evaluatedOK == JS_FALSE)

You also have to compile js files in cocos/scripting/javascript/script.

cocos2d.py jscompile -s your_cocos2dx_root/cocos/scripting/javascript/script -s your_game_source_folder -d out_dir 

many thanks, it works!

Hi, James. I’m quite confused here. I thought if I didn’t compile those files, the script core will use the *.js version instead. And should of course not raise an error at last. Expecting your answer.

James Chen wrote:

You also have to compile js files in cocos/scripting/javascript/script.