Tutorial in the Wiki seems out of date


I was looking at the HelloWorld tutorial, but the API calls that it uses seem to be out of date.

For Example.

The tutorial has

cc.ScaleTo.actionWithDuration(2, 1, 1);

but the new Hellow World test uses

cc.ScaleTo.create(2, 1, 1);

and actionWithDuration no longer seems to be part of cocos2D-HTML5

but “create” doesn’t seem to be part of the normal (iOS) cocos2D API.

can someone explain why there are differences ??


Roger Clark

Ye, some of the tutorials are out of date, you can see some uptodate tutorial series at gamesfromscratch.com

Hao Wu wrote:

Ye, some of the tutorials are out of date, you can see some uptodate tutorial series at gamesfromscratch.com


I’ll take a look on gamesfromscratch.com

Perhaps rather than having out of date tutorials, they should be removed or a link put in to the ones on gamesfromscratch.com until they are updated :wink:

