Transparent Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView in front of Android layout

I’m urgently looking for a solution for my problem. In Cocos2d for iPhone I managed to get a layer with a transparent background so I can see ands interact with a regular UIView that is placed behind the Cocos2d view. For Android I’m looking to achieve the same thing.

So what I would like is a transparent Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView (displaying a layer with a transparent background) so you can see a Layout that is placed behind the Cocod2D view. Ultimately the Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView should also pass through touches to the underlying Layout.

Is this possible and where should I start ?

To answer my own question: yes it is possible. The transparent Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView was easy to accomplish using the information in this post: After that I had to reshuffle the layout.xml to make sure the GLsurfaceView was on top. I also had to implement a hittest function to make sure that when only a CCScene or CCLayer is touched, the touch gets routed through to the underlying view/layout.