Touch and move one body to move another (chipmunk physics)

I need to move a physics body(say A) by touching and dragging another body(say B). I can’t use joints to link these bodies. Is there anyway i can reference body A in the ontouch listener i have added to B.

var listener1 = cc.EventListener.create({
		event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE,			
		onTouchBegan: function (touch, event) {	
		        var target = event.getCurrentTarget();	
	       onTouchMoved: function (touch, event) {			
			var target = event.getCurrentTarget();
			var delta = touch.getDelta();
			if(target.y<350 && target.y>100){
			target.getBody().setVel(cp.v(0,0));      //the target is object B
			target.getBody().p = cc.p(target.x, target.y+delta.y);
			var rec = this.objA.getBody();  //what i tried
			rec.p = cc.p(rec.x+delta.x,rec.y);   // 

Can anyone help please?