Title: change CCEGLView::create(480, 320) default value

Title: change CCEGLView::create(480, 320) default value

Hello, this is NOKNOK company using your cocos2d-x engine 1.0.1-x-0.12.0 version
and we’re trying to port iOS version of game to Android version of game

Default iOS resolution size is (480, 320), so we activite
create(480, 320) in Main.cpp to get resolution size when porting to Android phone
[create: defined at CCEGLView_android.cpp, void CCEGLView::create(int width, int height) ]

However, we were wondering,
can we change create(480, 320) to create(640, 360)?
We’re trying to change default resolution size from 480x320 (default iOS) to 640x360, for our images ported in correct ratio.

We already tried,
when we changed to create(640, 360), images shown different in (960x640) iPhone Retina and (1280x720) Samsung Galaxy S3.
It seems that create(640, 360) is not changing correctly.

Can we change this create() method?
Also, when we change this create(…) method, what kind of things are changed? (Like, viewport or default Sprite size or etc…)

Thank you