Survey: the reasons why I won't use Cocos Creator

80% of devs of cocos2d-x need C++.
No future with JS. I’m done.

We will work on C++ support in Creator. It is the next task for one of our developers…

sad to see some devs stuck in one particular mind set.

i’ve had no problems using JS for game projects in Cocos Creator, if you understand the language and how it works, there are no problems

you also asked your questions in the tag “cocos2d-x” where the base is already c++ so of course people are going to vote for what they know vs what they don’t want to learn

You get immediately problem, if you want to extend the functionality. For example with a custom class, or lib, etc.

what’s the problem you’re having?

customclass.js, customlib.js, custometc.js would be

const myClass = require(‘customclass’);
const myLib = require(‘customlib’);
const myEtc = require(‘custometc’);


I have no problem, i don’t use it.
Then please try to implement for example a zeromq communication, or a tracker music player.
There are very many usable example, what is mostly no problem to use in C, or C++.
In js you have always some bind code, what is expensive.