Suggestion for two new Resolution Policies

In some games, changing Aspect ratio will not ruin game play experience. For example in side a scroller games, it doesn’t really matter if screen size is 960x640 or 1136x640. And those are iPhone only resolutions, for android devices things get a lot messier. So I think it would be appropriate if you could add two new esolution policies, one that to render target height, and then extend view port width to completely fill the screen (kResolutionScaleHeightFillWidth), and another one to scale width, and then extend height (kResolutionScaleWidthFillHeight). Here is an example: Consider I’ve developed my game for 480x320 iPhone 3Gs device And I’ve call `setDesignResolutionSize(480,320,kResolutionScaleHeightFillWidth);`. In case same game is executed on iPhone5 device, it should set both scaleX and scaleY values as 2, and “CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize()” should return CCSizeMake(568,320).