Steps to create a cocos 2dx project in windows 7 visual studio express 2013 ?

What are the steps to create a cocos 2dx project in visual studio express 2013?

I tried following the instructions:

but they are not very good. Can anyone help ? If I could setup the hello world test app then that would be good.

Hello Chris,
Are you using cocos2d-x v3?
If using version 3.0, follow these steps:

  1. Open ‘(COCOS2DX)/tools/project-creator’ folder
  2. Run and use it to create a project
  3. Open ‘(PROJECT)/proj.win32’ folder
  4. Open ‘HelloCpp.sln’ in Visual Studio (maybe you need to convert it to VS2013 format), and build
  5. Have fun

Hope this would help

Thanks I will try that when v3 is out of beta.