starting failure

I am a newbie in cocos2dx
and i try 2 build up a new project
it running with these errors

and 1 find take the advice to copy“CocosDenshion” and “cocos2dX” files in to the project
it make the other errors

how to start up the new project with cocos2dX in windos7


Solution ‘test’ Mouse RIGHT BUTTON > Add> Existing Project > cocos2dxFolder> cocos2dx ~~> cocos2d.lib
~~> cocosdeshion.lib
> extension> box2d.lib
you need lib…
RButton > Add> existing project -> choice
basic: my project, cocos2d.lib, cocosdeshion.lib
you make new project and Box2D do not check
Audio engine do not check
i want to you understand…

i cant see the libs when i adding exiting project