SpriteSheetCreator - Open Source alternative to TexturePacker

Hi guys,

Because I didn’t like to pay for TexturePacker I searched for an Open Source alternative, which is also quite handy to use AND is capable of exporting to plist, which is used for cocos2d-x.
Finally, I found it after several hours here: https://spritesheetpacker.codeplex.com/
The only problem was, that the plist exporter was not precompiled and that it was quite old. So I used this fork, which is an updated fork of the original software. Because it wasn’t usable with the plistExporter-Plugin i made my own fork of it, added the plistExporter to recode it.
I attached the compiled version of my fork, so you can test it. In some points it isn’t as handy as TexturePacker but I think it is better to have something opensource with nearly the same functunality instead of paying for any other spritesheet-creator

If you have any further recommandation, bugs, etc post it here, I will try to fix them as good as I can. Additionally you can create your own fork and fix some bugs.

Enjoy it.

SpriteSheetPacker.zip (34.8 KB)