SpriteSheet Path Omitted for CocosBuilder files


When I added a CCSprite with a frame in the .plist file to the CCLayer, it correctly shows the image in CocosBuilder (version 3.0 alpha) and everything are fine in the .ccb file
The spritesheet file of the CCSprite is shown as “Texture/texture.plist”.

However, when I read the ccbi file, the spritesheet file name is “texture.plist” only ( std::string spriteSheet = pCCBReader->readCachedString(); line 518, CCNodeLoader.cpp)
leading failure of loading the correct spritesheet.
I need to put texture.plist in the Resources folder to solve it temporarily……
Anyone have idea of how to solve it?

Make sure that the .plist and the sprite images are in the same directory while loading the cocosbuilder project, copy the directory as is along with the ccbi to the resources folder… it should work fine.

vamsi: the png and plist are already in the same folder….

Let me describe the problem more clearly….

My folder structure is:



Publish Folder is already set as the “Resources” folder.
Project Resource Paths include both “CocosBuilder” and “Resources” folder.
In Map.ccb I added some CCSprite with those frames in map.plist and map.png as sprite frames.
It shows “Textures/Map.plist/xxxxx.png” in the UI and also the ccb file.

However, when I read the ccbi, it is only “Map.plist” rather than “Textures/Map.plist” in the line:
std::string spriteSheet = pCCBReader->readCachedString(); // line 518, CCNodeLoader.cpp

Ok iv’e just experienced the same problem… the path is correctly stored in the ccb file, but the loader doesn’t seem to get the value while reading from ccbi.
I guess we will have to look at the binary file now…

vamsi krishna veligatla wrote:

Ok iv’e just experienced the same problem… the path is correctly stored in the ccb file, but the loader doesn’t seem to get the value while reading from ccbi.
I guess we will have to look at the binary file now…

Looks like this could be an issue with the cocosbuilder’s publish?.. because running strings on “ccbi” file shows that the full path isn’t stored… is this intentional??

I think we need to look at CocosBuilder’s source code….

good to know that at least sbd have the same problem….:slight_smile: