Sprite Sheet Animation for Cocos2d-x v3

Hi all,
I have looked for the cocos2d-x v3 tutorial from internet for a week, but will cant find a good tutorial that can teach me how to do the animation by using sprite sheet. >_<

I have done the plist and png by using texturePacker (please find the attached files), anyone can teach me to play the simple animation from the test.png ( the png included 11 images).

test-hd.plist.zip (0.7 KB)

test-hd.png (60.1 KB)

test.plist.zip (0.7 KB)

test.png (24.8 KB)

auto testBatchNode=SpriteBatchNode::create("test.png");
auto testSprite=Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("test1.png");
auto animation=Animation::create();
for(int i=1;i<=11;i++)
	char szName[100]={0};
testSprite->runAction( CCRepeatForever::create( CCAnimate::create(animation))); 

Hi libragagu,

It’s great! thanks a lot! thanks for your help!:slight_smile:

If you don’t mind, could you add my Skype:niccolohui?



Actually in the era of data oriented design composing frames into animation sequence directly in the code looks like a stone age.
There is the AnimationCache class which can load animations from the xml/plist-file. But I wonder which editor/tool can be used to create those files (googling did not help).

@niccolo You’re welcome,I’ve already sent a request to you.
I’m a beginner too,I hope we can learn from each other.:slight_smile:

@dotsquid Thank you, now I know another way to create animations.

AnimationCache *animationCache =AnimationCache::getInstance();
Animation* animation = animationCache->animationByName("Animation");

I wonder what does that plist file look like,and if it needs other data source files,I wonder what types are they(like png)?

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ActionsTest.cpp and SpriteTest.cpp have examples of using AnimationCache. The plists used for the tests can be found here:


Hope that helps

Thank you!I’ve learnt many things today.
I still have two questions:
1.In the animations.plist file there are only sprite frame names


so I should add these frames to SpriteFrameCache before
am I right?

2.There isn’t any tool to create these files as @dotsquid said,is there?

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I believe you do need to add the frames to SpriteFrameCache before loading the animation plist.

I, unfortunately, do not know what tools might be available to create these animation plists. I did a little bit of googling and it seems like “SpriteHelper 2” might work, but the full version costs money and I haven’t tried out the trial version yet…

Unfortunately, Sprite Helper is for MacOSX only.

@libragagu My and your code to create sprite animation both gets executed successfully but all i can see is black screen. I have kept .plist file and png in resources folder. Where should i put it. What might be wrong here. Please help…M new to cocos2dx.