Sprite created with spriteSheet repeat (GL_REPEAT) problem

If I create sprite like this the texure is correctly repeated in direction i want:

auto spr = Sprite::create("file.png"); 
Texture2D::TexParams tp = { GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR };
spr ->getTexture()->setTexParameters(tp);

However if I use spritesheet it repeats whole spritesheet instead one frame from spritesheet

auto spr = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("file.png")

How can I force it to use only part of texture?

It seems you have to render your sprite from the atlas to your texture and use that.

From another thread(obj-c; cocos2d), but I guess you are able to derive it into C++ and cocos2d-x:

Basically if you want to do this you need to use a standard CCSprite as you described.


Why so complex? It will be easier and faster to store this texture separately from the begining.

Caused the OP asked for doing it with the atlas, not a redundant texture stored on disk.

Easier: maybe, but the code to render out the texture from the atlas is not that complicated, is it?
Faster: well, not really. It might be even slower or at least on par. You are introducing disk i/o instead of doing a memory read from the atlas and disk i/o is rather slow compared to memory i/o. Creating the texture/sprite from the atlas or creating a sprite from the disk stored texture after it is in memory is basically doing the same code under the hood.
Additionally it introducing redundancy, just for having a more convenient/easier way.