Spite3D.Some model not showing

I get some model from Spite3DTest and loaded them to my test. In scene showing only “boss.c3b”, “teapot.c3b” and “plane.c3t”. Other models not showing(only black screen), but loaded in scene. I test it on Windows, Cocos2D-X 3.5 Framework.

May need texture

“.c3b” and “c3t” doesn’t contain texture? I deleted all textures from res folder and result was same. I successfully load my “mesh.obj” without texture and it was showing but only in white color :slight_smile:

“axe.c3b” - not showing

  auto orc = cocos2d::Sprite3D::create("axe.c3b");
    	orc->setNormalizedPosition(Vec2(.5f, .3f));    
    	orc->setRotation3D(Vec3(0, 90, 0));

“boss.c3b” - showing successfully

  auto orc = cocos2d::Sprite3D::create("boss.c3b");
    	orc->setNormalizedPosition(Vec2(.5f, .3f));    
    	orc->setRotation3D(Vec3(0, 90, 0));

texture is very import to c3b/c3t

To many bugs… :frowning:
My Blender scene
And my game scene, whithout material

I try conver another fbx from https://github.com/cocos2d-x/fbx-conv/tree/master/samples
Only knight.fbx showing on scene. Another meshes loading without material succesfull, but with texture laoding and not showing.
Can you give me your *fbx and *c3b models? I will try test it
Maybe it help

Finaly i loaded my mesh with texture and it showing :slight_smile: I think my texture was to big, i used 1024x1024px
Can you tell me max size of texture to 3DSprite of MB and resolution in Pixels?

texture size can use 512x512, if model is displayed very small, texture can use 128*128

Thank you a lot!