spanish tutorial and examples

my name is Roberto, i have started with cocos2d-x in Android and
I am looking at one tutorial in spanish or some tutorial where explain
the framework with his parts.

I would like find some Game of example or template with cocos2d-x for
android. Do you know something?.

Is posible programing with cocos2d-x in win32 the iphone game?

Kind Regards


Hi, Reberto, welcome to the community.
# We have only tutorials in English. Maybe you can use google translation to read them.
# You can find sample games in the sticky FAQ thread in this forum
# Cocos2d-x allow you to write the most part of iphone/android game on win32, but you had to pack & publish it on mac.

Thanks for your rapid answer Walzer
I have seen in the documentation how install cocos2d-x for android/iphone in MAC, but i haven’t found how install cocos2d-x for android/iphone in Win32

Hi, Roberto.

I’ve already answered this post [[]] regards cocos2d-x on Android.

I wrote a tutorial that explains how prepare your environment and how to to import a cocos2d-x project on Eclipse:

Developing with cocos2d-x for android on Linux

I’ve wrote another tutorial that teachs you how to debug cocos2d-x native code using Eclipse:

How to debug cocos2d-x and Java code using Eclipse

Maybe it may help you. Let me know whether it was helpful.


