Soomla and v3.3beta0


I am trying soomla with cocos2d-x3.3beta0.

Sadly it’s not working :frowning: Anyone here tried soomla and latest cocos2d-x version?


I have it running for some time there :

I am using soomla-store as a dependency ( understand submoduleS ) of my game.
Cocos is also a dependency/submodule of the game.
I dont use the cocos way of adding feature by copy pasting, because it makes maintenance too troublesome for me.
I want a build that work out of the box just after cloning the repo. Without that the build cannot be properly automated.

But to get that going I had to change and unify cocos and soomla build systems… which means :

  • cocos change to build pc version with CMake.
  • soomla change to have a “debug shop” on pc. Otherwise basic soomla works only on device.
  • cocos change to build android with gradle ( native part is ndk-build called directly from gradle, still using system ) in Android studio
  • soomla change to build with gradle from android studio.
  • And I might forget a few other things…

Good Luck !

meh, that looks like work. Okay, i will try digging. Thanks!