[Solved] With SDKBOX Integration

I’m using SDKBOX admob for my ios game and i’ve followed documentation sdkbox. when i checked in xcode simulator but no view and got some warning. This is my version :

the warning :

and admob ads not showed up in ios simulator. any help? thank you.

Is AdMob test ad ok on iOS Simulator?

not showed up in ios and my phone

Just in case someone finds this useful, I replied to this question in other thread:

Dose the sample work on your phone https://github.com/sdkbox/sdkbox-sample-admob

yes, it’s actually work. my problem is order layer of the ads. while i’m using the sample the banner, menu as Menu for holding ads with order layer 2, it was appear. then i try show banner in init of game without insert it in menu item like the sample, but it’s not showed up. Is it possible make sdkbox::PluginAdMob::show(kHomeBanner) a variable or anything else so i can set the order layer ?

update: ads not showed up when i put sdkbox::PluginAdMob::cache(kHomeBanner); and sdkbox::PluginAdMob::show(kHomeBanner); in init directly. i want to show banner directly when game init. how to add them as child so i can set the order layer?

anyone can help?

you can sdkbox::PluginAdMob::show(kHomeBanner); when it’s ready

Thankyou for your answer! appreciate it @yinjimmy