[SOLVED] v3.5 hello world won't work on console, but yes from another web server


I’ve downloaded and set up cocos2d-js v3.5 and created a project with cocos new -p mygame -l js and then opened it’s folder and executed cocos run -p web, then the browser opens and the game loads up, but it shows no images, only text:

Now, if I open the game with another web server (uploading it to a hosting or using a local one) the project works correctly:

Something that calling my eye is that no publish folder is being created, even if I try cocos compile -p web.

Any thoughts?

The only thing that pops up in the console is:
Running command: compile Building mode: debug

PS: I’ve also noticed this weird image appears before the good old cocos2d-js loading screen:

UPDATE/SOLVED: so, I deleted cocos2d-js, rebooted, installed (decompresed and ran setup.py) again and rebooted again and now everything works fine, I don’t know what might’ve been happening…