[Solved] TypeScript: Type X has no properties in common with type Y

Hi everyone,

This isn’t a blocker issue or anything, more of an annoyance, making it hard to find real errors. However, everytime we’re using the @property decorator, we get the following output in our VS Code console.

Setting “noStrictGenericChecks” and “skipLibCheck” to true in the tsconfig seems to have no effect. I have TS 2.3.4 installed locally through npm. We’re using CC v1.5.1 atm.

Any suggestions? Or am I the only one seeing this?


Hey there,

I use WebStorm and I have this issue if TypeScript is set to 2.4 in the editor. I would say make sure you have your IDE actually pointed to 2.3.4. With 2.3.4 this issue goes away.


That was it, I followed these steps to set my TS verison to 2.3.4 in VS Code.