[Solved] SDKBOX IAP v2.2.1.6 iOS


I only using SDKBOX IAP with Cocos2d-JS v3.8.1.

Crash happen in PluginIAPJSHelper.cpp

void callback(float dt) {
    if (!s_cx) {

    JSContext* cx = s_cx;
    const char* func_name = _eventName.data();

    JS::RootedObject obj(cx, _jsHandler);
    JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, obj); <-- crash on this line

I setup IAP with a global function in a scene1. Crash happen when changing scene from scene2 to scene1.
However, the crash is not always.

function setupIAP()

	onSuccess : function (product) 
	onFailure : function (product, msg)
	onCanceled : function (product)
	onRestored : function (product)
	onProductRequestSuccess : function (products) 
	onProductRequestFailure : function (msg)


Any idea on the crash?

Thank you.

I found out that it is my own function caused crash that called in the IAP listener callback.

Hi @Zinitter ,

Can you share your problem, I’m dealing with same error but haven’t found out mine


My problem is not related to SDKBOX, is caused by incomplete own function.

	onSuccess : function (product) 
             CallIncompleteOwnFunction();<-- this crash
	onFailure : function (product, msg)
	onCanceled : function (product)
	onRestored : function (product)
	onProductRequestSuccess : function (products) 
	onProductRequestFailure : function (msg)


Thank you, I checked my problem, the crash happens with iOS 10 but works fine on iOS 9. Need to dive into it