[Solved] Black screen when using TMXTiledMap background


Like others, I am new to Cocos2d and I am following the Parkour Tutorial. I am using:
Cocos2d-x v3.7 (JavaScript)
Mac OS X
NDK r10e

When I run my game on web (using Chrome debugging) everything runs fine, all the resources load and run smoothly but when I run it on my iOS simulator or android device I keep getting a black screen when I run the code. This happens when I switch from using an image (sprite) as my background to a .tmx file as my tiledmap background.

Here are snippets of my code:

var res = {
    roadBG_png: "res/backgrounds/roadBG.png",
    playScene_plist: "res/playScene.plist",
    playScene_png: "res/playScene.png",
    road_color_BG_png: "res/backgrounds/road_color_BG.png",
    road_line_png: "res/backgrounds/road_line.png",
    road00_tmx: "res/backgrounds/road00.tmx",
    road01_tmx: "res/backgrounds/road01.tmx"

var g_resources = [];
for (var i in res) {


 init: function () {

    //create the background image and position it at the center of the screen
    var centerPos = cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 2);
    var spriteBG = new cc.Sprite(res.roadBG_png);
    /* Above code works fine
     * when below code is uncommented and
     * above code is commented, it causes black screen.

    // Load road background using road.tmx files
    this.road00 = new cc.TMXTiledMap(res.road00_tmx);
    this.road00.setAnchorPoint(0, 0.5);

    this.mapWidth = this.road00.getContentSize().width;

    this.road01 = new cc.TMXTiledMap(res.road01_tmx);
    this.road01.setAnchorPoint(0, 0.5);
    this.road01.setPosition(cc.p(screenOrigin.x + this.mapWidth, roadCenter.y));

    // Call scheduleUpdate



Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong or have you encountered this problem before?

I decided to remove tiled map from my game and just use a repeating background image that loops.

If there is no error only “Black” and application runs normally. Should check Tileset png’s location. I did drag-drop from another location while designing the map and got the same black result. Then i put the png into the same location with the tmx file and redesigned with it. That solves my “black” problem.

Ya that was the issues. Thanks!

Likewise had this issue and added my spritesheet into my Resources folder, same as my TMX map and it worked. So glad I found this thread, cheers!!