[SOLVED][Android] cocos2d-x 3.15 Release Mode Signing config


In Cocos2d-x 3.14 and before I could type cocos run -p android -m release and I would get a release build, no questions asked. If I try to run a release build on Cocos2d-x 3.15 in Android Studio I get a message that I should set a signing config. Is there anything special I need to setup for cocos2d-x 3.15 to ensure that I get the same signing config as I got in 3.14 with the console compile command?

Using cocos command and using Android Studio are different. You can also use command for Android Studio project by adding --android-studio parameter, or you can refer to this doc to check how to use Android Studio to build release mode.

Ah yes, I know how to use Android Studio to build release mode. The problem is that when you upload a release build you need to sign your app with the same keystore file every time. Since I used the commandline release build before I want to find the keystore that was used in the commandline project in older versions of cocos2d-x. I never had to specify it myself so I’m assuming cocos took care of it somehow, somewhere.

Edit: I found the release.keystore file, now I just need to find out the password / alias that cocos added to it.

Hello @0mega

look for ant.properties files located in proj.android folder, There you would find this information.

Thanks @Lazy_Gamer, that’s what I was looking for.

Apparently we filled it in some years ago, I didn’t even remember anymore. :smiley: