[SOLVED] Admob question about usage and memory

I haven’t reproduce the memory issue yet. once we reproduce it, I can give you a update on the fix. The auto caching should be coming on 26th.

That’s great.

The problem is I’m doing cache, show, hide, cache new… show, hide…
So when I do second cache of the same ad it’s not freeing the first one.
If I don’t do new cache I can show the ad, but it’s always the old ad, it’s not changing and I also don’t know if it counts impressions than… but anyway I would like to have everytime new ad…

Please check and let me know.

and how situation looks like? :slight_smile:

Hi @Likon

The auto-caching is on schedule and will be released on time.


what do you mean by auto caching? :slight_smile: will that resolve my problem with memory?

we still have tons of task for the next production.
please be patient, we will fix the issue and update you. :smile:

user feedback is our priority, but we have some tasks with highiest priority now.
So, it takes some time.

I hope you understand.
We had and we will always try to fix all the issues.

Don’t worry :smile:


I understand but this is the last thing that is blocking me from release. And I planned the release on Monday. So for me this is crucial thing! I can’t wait 2 weeks for it.

@pabitrapadhy giving it a second thought all I’m asking is that to delete from memory ad that was already cached before new cache. It’s simple delete statement. Can you please make this a priority?


@pabitrapadhy can you provide me with some date when this fix will be applied? Its simple delete statement. Thanks

Hi @Likon

It will be checked and hotfixed by tuesday.
The fix cannot be done by me, or else I would have done it.

But, I would see to it that it would be fixed by Tuesday.


Thank you @pabitrapadhy, that’s good time. I appreciate it.



the following is test results:
i use the admob cpp sample(https://github.com/sdkbox/sdkbox-admob-sample) to test this.

when launch admob cpp ios simulator, memory is about 83MB

click load banner continuously, memory will stay about 103MB

For me it goes above +50MB till 200MB even, than I just stopped checking further… I didn’t use sample js for it, but I’m doing the same thing. The problem is small banner is like 2mb of memory, when I do cache again the same banner it should free from memory the old one. Simple.
Anyway banner is 2mb so increase in time 20mb on your example is way to much.

so in a sdkbox sample you would do load banner, show banner, hide banner, load banner, show banner, hide banner, load… etc… and it will increase memory slowly. At least on JS version :slight_smile:

Sometimes system free unused memory but still it’s not stable it’s just increasing with time.

I’ve tried to install sdkbox sample and run it, but it requires some prebuild cocos2d which isn’t there and the steps in descriptions don’t work. I think sample should have cocos2d libs in it, or this git command would download prebuild ios stuff. It should be download zip, run one command and it runs.
But in my project I’m using JS version so I assume it will work the same.

The samples has cocos2d libs as submodule, if you run git submodule update --init it should work.

We are doing some more analytics for the memory usage.

Hi nite,

Yes I did that, but the path in project points to cocos2d-x-3.6-lib/prebuild/ios which isn’t there… when I remove that and point only to cocos2d-x-3.6-lib than I got some other error about including cocos2d lib…

So after some research, admob dose use a lot of memory for some reason.

However we are looking into good practices too keep the memory low.

In the meantime, can you try adding the following linker flag and see if it changes anything?

nite, using a lot of memory, but I see that with every cache of new banner the old one isn’t released… that’s mine problem, so if I will do cache, cache, cache, it will just add memory. I’m caching same banner and it increase memory. I wrote about it few times… just check source code and check if there is delete when doing cache, simple.

I read the post, it looks like it’s not your plugin problem, but it’s ios problem. hmm :confused: thanks for that info I will search internet to find a fix…

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I am facing the same problem, I have tried sdkbox admob integration as well as applovin integration (Objective C).

Have you find any solution for the issue?