Signal SIGABRT - CCAssert(false, "Layer#ccTouchBegan override me") - Creating a layer including others layers

Hello all,

I need your help about this error.

I create a CClayer, i include it on a scene with addchild method.
It work fine.

But now i am trying to compose a CClayer with other child layer as childs, and the CCAssert(false, “Layer#ccTouchBegan override me”) error occurs with this code.

All my layers are CClayers, with setTouchEnabled(false), don’t need it, but i know that CClayer use touch, and i think the problem is about this …

An idea ?

-- FirstPuzzleWorldsLayer.cpp (class FirstPuzzleWorldsLayer : public CCLayer)

void FirstPuzzleWorldsLayer::createScoreLayer(){
// Creation of a cclayer and add it to this
    scoreLayer = new ManagerScore(fileNameComposite,12500);

-- ManagerScore.cpp (class ManagerScore : public CCLayer)

// Constructor
ManagerScore::ManagerScore(const char * composite,int score){
    fileNameComposite = composite;
    scoreToDisplay = score;

I have no touch methods in any of this class … So how can i overwrite it ?
Thanks for your help, hopping to be clear :smiley:
