share my expierences with android setup

so recently i started learning ios programming and downloaded cocos2d-x 2.0.4, setup for xcode is very sraightforward and easy, for android its alot of headache. so i want to share some of my expierence with others who have same problems.

i mainly follow the tutorial from the link in the wiki:
but its quite outdated.

  1. now the android sdk contains a special version of eclipse and you dont need to download any other plugins except certain android sdk version you need.
  2. in current 2.0.4 release , need to add your own NDK_ROOT definition in
  3. after build, files are mising in $yourproject/, copy them from $yourcocos2dxfolder/cocos2dx/platform/adroid/java/src/org/cocos2dx

now comes the main problem,
1st, cpp files are rebuild every time. it took several minutes to build every time
2nd, cant run because this: APP_PLATFORM android-9 is larger than android:minSdkVersion 8 in AndroidManifest.xml

after hours of struggle and google with different keywords i finally found some solutions:

hope this helps

It’s really useful for me. Thank you very much.:slight_smile: