setup cocos2dx 3.0 alpha0 problem

Hi there,
I am new to cocos2d-x, i start to use cocos2dx 3.0 alpha0 ,

  1. first i download the cocos2dx 3.0 alpha0,
  2. I unzip it and run the to make a cross platform project.
  3. I open the iOS project and can run successfully

Here is my problem. the lib curl.a, opengles.framework and the uikit.framework is on red light,
I know that the framework i can add it manually also the lib curl.a can do so (maybe)
But i wanna ask why three of them is red but still can run?

I guess is the cocos2d_libs.xcodeproj do this for me, isn’t it?

I only want to make iOS and android, so i wanna to make my project more clean and simple,
How can i do this? I mean i dun want to add a cocos2d_libs.xcodeproj in my project and i am still worrying about that three red file… am i did wrongly in the setup so make this happen?


help.png (190.8 KB)