Set Sprite's color to black causes a problem when bring it back to white

It’s some kind like a shadow guessing object game, so my approach is to set the object’s color to completely black and when the user guesses it right I will bring them back to color image.

The problem is I use “setColor(cc.ccc3(0,0,0))” function to initially set the image’s color. Whenever I would love to bring it back, I use “TintTo” action class and transition to white color. But at the end the result is at shown in the attached image.
It seems like the black color override and replace all the outline pixels.

The original image has no black outline.

What’s the problem ? How can I solve it ?

Screen Shot 2012-08-22 at 1.01.10 PM.png (42.9 KB)

can you post the original image file for us to test?

Sorry for not be able to attach the original file at the first post, I can’t attach multiple file.
For your information, I still use alpha version 2.