Segmentation fault when building IOS

I am new to cocos2dx iOS.
My system is: Yosemite, Xcode 7 beta 6, cocos2dx v3.8 rc0.
I created a project from cocos console, then edited path to cocos folder in project.pbxproj (…/cocos2d -> …/…/cocos2dx-3.8rc0).
When i built, I’ve run into “Unable to execute command: segmentation fault: 11”
Here are screenshots:

And setting for c++:


When I opened CCPUPlaneCollider.cpp, there is no syntax error. So what did I do wrong?

Nevermind, the error occured because of the paths to cocos2dx and project contained spaces. After i move all to document folder, everything’s fine.

Can you be more precise? What was the error? Where have you changed those paths? Add screenshots.

original location: /Volumes/VMware Shared Folders/shared/1st/cocos2d/
new location: /SomeWhereElse (just any place without spaces in the path)
xcode will not compile if .cpp file path contains spaces.

You are absolutely correct here. No spaces!