Second Cocos Code IDE release ! [1.0.0-rc1]

Hi all,
We are excited to announce the second release of Cocos Code IDE version 1.0.0-rc1!

The first version of Cocos Code IDE was released 3 weeks ago, we loved all the feedbacks from all of you, and based on your feedbacks, we released a new version of Cocos Code IDE with numerous new stuff as well as bug fixes!

What’s New?

c++ Debugging

You can now debug c++ with Lua / Javascript side-by-side simultaneously from Cocos Code IDE and XCode / Visual Studio. 

Debugging a scripted game can never be so simple, by removing the barrier between the framework c++ and scripting logic.

**For more information, check out [How to debug the framework cpp code](**

Sprite Frame code hinting

Cocos Code IDE is now even smarter at doing more work for you! 
Sprite Frame names are now picked up by the IDE code hinting engine

Eclipse Marketplace Integration

Cocos Code IDE is based on Eclipse and so now it supports all plugins from Eclipse Marketplace. You can now exploit the extendability of Eclipse editor and customize your Cocos Code IDE to your work flow.

Existing Projects Importing

More reason to switch to Cocos Code IDE now! You can now import your WIP projects into Cocos Code IDE and enjoy a better faster workflow experience.

Auto-Completion enhancement

  • The “self” keyword is now better supported!
  • Return type hinting: All possible return types are now displayed in the Auto-Completion pop up
  • CamelCase support: you can now type the first letter of each word to quickly filter through all possible functions and values.

Lots of bug fixes, for the full change list, please click here

More infomation

We loves your feedbacks, please tell us by posting them on the Code IDE Forum,we will get back to you speedily. Thank you!


Great news!! Thank you!)
Any news about support the C ++?

@honghui_zhang is cocos code IDE going to support c++ any soon… ??

I’ve been told by @zhangxm that… you guys are working with some license and it will be up on August.

When is the cocos code IDE will be up for C++ ?

I am sorry, i forgot what did i say?

Hello @zhangxm !

I think what @pabitrapadhy said about it.
I understood this to mean that appear version of Cocos IDE in which coding will be in C ++, without JS or Lua. And about this support C++ I asked above. I understood it wrong?

But i didn’t join that thread.

@zhangxm Yes, I meant to say - it seems that pabitrapadhy jast confused you with walzer. But while his question was about exactly that topic. And my question too ^^.

@pabitrapadhy I am sorry if I’m wrong.

oh… sory i see… i mistakely tagged you instead of walzar

actually in the first pinned post, when cocos code IDE was released.
i was in the thread… asked walzer about the IDE for c++

and he posted he will get the license for C++ debugging, but i mistaked it to about a new code IDE for c++ only.

my fault, and yes… the debugging is enabled for c++
congratulations for that…
Team Cocos2d-x :smile:

Hi, I am working on Macbook Air, I have tried Cocos Code IDE, but It’s too slow and lag when Auto-Completion triggered. So this is the only problem that prevent me from using Cocos Code IDE.

Did I do sth wrong? Or could this be optimized?


I use color theme plugin to change de theme, but see not work very well…

so many exciting features. thank you.

I love the JavaScript auto-completion in v1.1.0 :slight_smile: I’m still hesitant to upgrade to v2.0 though.
Is there a way to change the Code IDE theme though? I like dark theme and Monokai color theme.