SDKBOX dosen't work

I’m using cocos-2dx ver 3.6.

Skdbox updater dosen’t work in every option except “list” and “-h” options.

Here’s log when I input option “-vv symbols”

D:\MP\Tiny>sdkbox -vv symbols

D:\MP\Tiny>SET script_path=D:\MP\Tiny\

D:\MP\Tiny>python D:\MP\Tiny\sdkbox.pyc -vv symbols

|______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
| |/ | _ |
] |____| _/ _
Copyright © 2015 Chukong Technologies Inc. v0.5.7.1
Namespace(china=0, command=‘symbols’, days=10, dryrun=None, forcedownload=0, ins
taller=‘D:\MP\Tiny\sdkbox.pyc’, manifest=‘manifest.json’, nohelp=0, nopatchin
g=0, noupdate=0, patcherrors=0, plugin=None, project=‘D:\MP\Tiny’, server=‘dow’, symbol=None, verbose=2)
get remote manifest from
“packages”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“bundle”: “”,
“sha1”: “2f6e92591b5c080bfae39e45da030ed1f6ddf2a3”
“adcolony”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-adcolony_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “58d21bff938fd7fa1786c5d49ee7f89156272ff3”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-adcolony_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “e0c6df5fdb0d32ee770b8022e09d87b6c0dd3ab4”
“agecheq”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-agecheq_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “c0a2d1faed620af781e97ddb7abb81e5d073f07e”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-agecheq_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “4d0b1e5c06980e1e6817a8774a35a0b2a9b68fd1”
“anysdk”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-anysdk_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “6b961e09670a255383e56fa5ace8ad2089e2e886”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-anysdk_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “90e677c0d51c5b853528d0741420db5692c8dcf2”
“bee7”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-bee7_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “d9177b17115cb0fd56f5ec00a320b2a83857b16a”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-bee7_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “1d45c4a560ec7ec952c7d7ba2782bc909bf48ae6”
“chartboost”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-chartboost_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “5a900a19bd7ff8dd7257c39852cb98a12abf32a6”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-chartboost_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “2aa15c747d752a378cfe024d168b8be0575f37c0”
“facebook”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-facebook_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “924a1a1ec061ac28af4c818cb4355eb070e861b9”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-facebook_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “66237fa6c8749355efb90b9ad7a1d90aca3d5f54”
“flurryanalytics”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-flurryanalytics_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.g
“sha1”: “b82effb9d2e2ecc8670f3a0846612fd806c30584”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-flurryanalytics_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “7ce005e4f1cd699e9e46b83821039f051d5e8d71”
“fyber”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-fyber_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “b1573c7409ca0db353c570074db05d7e531107fe”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-fyber_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “44403e13bc3550df29656a94f89d0e8ceb549c2a”
“googleanalytics”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-googleanalytics_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.g
“sha1”: “24727734fca85a2d1865e37d39ea53f2aa714e32”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-googleanalytics_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “cd662699417a6b9382f31aec44e7760d6ee6f249”
“iap”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-iap_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “3be4891273b4aa1abbac076f3018e7551cf056b3”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-iap_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “e944252509b6a03c1e196de6606f88dcbfdf3da4”
“kochava”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-kochava_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “2f3da29dd73967b0e0e663b270910eba2669048b”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-kochava_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “02f98842aff020e24612299b1f63bbc8593a2b51”
“review”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-review_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “81ba2382284914b4682b4153440889f65532a7ab”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-review_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “3ac4414d168d4cc78126936d7c80ef5b6cbb3e40”
“soomlagrow”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-soomlagrow_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “ba98d464fcc43626ece74d66e411f391d2556755”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-soomlagrow_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “3a16f4db486c5515fcf61536b6f5fdbb65201356”
“tune”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-tune_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “de93129ca91fdb45a2345590b335db331666b239”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-tune_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “d260c34381bdfbafc3c105708f43037ecba261cb”
“vungle”: {
“versions”: {
“”: {
“v2”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-vungle_v1.3.0.18_for_v2.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “a2f55fb6cfb398bb8dc55c67f6d89e691d6dc562”
“v3”: {
“bundle”: “sdkbox-vungle_v1.3.0.18.tar.gz”,
“sha1”: “91c8059b5a3c66ed459b99605d90198f95023e11”
googleanalytics soomlagrow fyber review vungle iap anysdk agecheq flurryanalytic
s facebook bee7 SDKBOX chartboost kochava adcolony tune
cocos2d-x installation directory E:/cocos2d-x-3.6/
cocos2d-x header directory E:/cocos2d-x-3.6/cocos/
cocos2d-x version 3.6.0
cocos2d-x project root D:/MP/Tiny/
fallback to cocos project search False
cocos2d-x project type cpp
loaded package manifest
loaded cocos project
failed to load xcode project
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 6524, in
File “”, line 6506, in main
File “”, line 5270, in perform
File “”, line 5776, in main
File “”, line 5270, in perform
File “”, line 6083, in cmd_symbols
File “”, line 5747, in load_projects
File “”, line 5468, in load_android_project
File “”, line 730, in initialize
File “”, line 1281, in setup_script_constants
File “”, line 1356, in get_android_activity_name_v2
File “C:\Python27\lib\”, line 194, in compile
return _compile(pattern, flags)
File “C:\Python27\lib\”, line 251, in _compile
raise error, v # invalid expression
sre_constants.error: bogus escape: ‘\x’
Tracking: {‘args’: {‘patcherrors’: 0, ‘forcedownload’: 0, ‘nohelp’: 0, ‘dryrun’:
None, ‘verbose’: 2, ‘plugin’: None, ‘symbol’: None, ‘noupdate’: 0, ‘days’: 10,
‘server’: ‘’, ‘project’: ‘D:\MP\Tiny’, 'china
': 0, ‘installer’: ‘D:\MP\Tiny\sdkbox.pyc’, ‘command’: ‘symbols’, ‘manifest’:
‘manifest.json’, ‘nopatching’: 0}}

Please help me… @mannewalis

Thank you for reporting this, let us ask @mannewalis to take a look.

This has already been fixed for 1.3.1

The problem is it doesn’t work to update to 1.3.1.
Is there any way to force update?

I’d download manual installation,
But I couldn’t find how to force patch it.

1.3.1 is still under testing, you can access the nightly version with following command

sdkbox list --staging

Thank @nite

After command as you told, sdkbox installer updated
and ‘sdkbox update’ returns ‘you have no packages installed.’

so I command follows, and get error too.

D:\MP\Tiny>python D:\MP\Tiny\sdkbox.pyc import iap

|______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
| |/ | _ |
] |____| _/ _
Copyright © 2015 Chukong Technologies Inc. v0.5.7.5
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘D:\MP\Tiny\\src\org\coc
Installation failed :frowning:

Under cocos2dx, there’s no lib folder.

So this is where your cocos2d-x project is? Your proj.ios_mac and are inside here?

Can you tell us where your cocos2d-x is located?

What does sdkbox list return?

I think that the staging server will have the sdkbox that goes with 1.3.1, so it should ask you to update. Do so and try the import again. Let us know if that works or not.

“sdk list” works well.
Now I try to reinstall and “sdk list” returns everything as available.

but “sdk import iap” returns same error…
shown location is my project’s location.
i can move to “d:\MP\Tiny\\src\org\cocos2dx” but there is only “src” folder.
and cocos2-x location is “e:\cocos2d-x-3.6”.

Hi, is some one have solved this issue?

If yes please tell me the solution.

I’m integrating playphone sdk.

I’m working on cocos2dx 3.3 version and sdkbox-playphone_v1.5.2.6

E:\SantaFunRun\sdkbox_installer>sdkbox import playphone
_______ ______ _ _ ______ _____ _ _
|______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
| |/ | _ |
] |____| _/ _
Copyright © 2015 Chukong Technologies Inc. v0.5.8.12
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘E:\SantaFunRun\\src\org\
Installation failed :frowning:

The path of file in my project is as follows-


“sdk list” works well.

E:\SantaFunRun\sdkbox_installer>sdkbox list
_______ ______ _ _ ______ _____ _ _
|______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
| |/ | _ |
] |____| _/ _
Copyright © 2015 Chukong Technologies Inc. v0.5.8.12
cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
cocos2d-x v3.x (installed)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (installed)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)


         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

         cocos2d-x v2.x (available)
         cocos2d-x v3.x (available)

please help me.

That looks like a bug to me

In this case you might want to try integrate playphone manually,

You have to integrate SDKBOX IAP first

Then integrate playphone

Let me know if you have any question during the integration process, I’m here to help

Hi nite, thank you so much for your help.

Problem solved by integrating SDKBOX IAP first as you said.

And I also copy and past the lib folder containing the class from E:\SantaFunRun\cocos2d\cocos\platform\android\java\src\org\cocos2dx\lib\ to “E:\SantaFunRun\\src\org\cocos2dx\lib” where they are serching the file.


Hi nite, After successfully importing plugin for iap and playphone.

I’m integrating plyphone leaderboard using the link “

I followed instructions given on the web page.

After that when I run the game and submit score to leaderboard then I’m getting the following errror:-

01-08 16:31:54.520: E/PSGN(11781): Was not initialized correctly
01-08 16:31:54.520: D/PSGN(11781): Load PSGN before getting properties or use the context based properties

I follow following steps:-

$ sdkbox import leaderboard
$ sdkbox import playphone
$ sdkbox import iap

2.Initialize the plugin in AppDelegate.cpp

include "PluginLeaderboard/PluginLeaderboard.h"

3.In init() method of my HighScore.cpp I added following lines-

sdkbox::PluginLeaderboard::setListener(new MyLeaderboardListener);

define levelLeaderBoardId "1802"
class MyLeaderboardListener : public sdkbox::LeaderboardListener
virtual void onComplete(std::string leaderboard)
CCLOG("MyLeaderboardListener:onComplete: %s",;

virtual void onFail()


Then submit the score on button press event

sdkbox::PluginLeaderboard::submitScore(levelLeaderBoardId, score);

When I presses the submit button I’m getting the error.

Please help me resolving this issue.


We’re working with Playphone engineers to look into this issue. we’ll get back to you ASAP

Ok, nite thank you for your reply.

I’m waiting…


update your sdkbox_config.json

"playphone" :
        "skey":"<your secret key>",

skey and iap key are the sample level.

Hi yinjimmy,

Thank you for your reply.

After updating the sdkbox_config.json following errors are not coming-

01-08 16:31:54.520: E/PSGN(11781): Was not initialized correctly
01-08 16:31:54.520: D/PSGN(11781): Load PSGN before getting properties or use the context based properties

Thank you very much.

But now when I submit the score to leader board then nothing happens after
clicking on submit button. Means following functions are not getting called after submitting the score to leader board

class MyLeaderboardListener : public sdkbox::LeaderboardListener
virtual void onComplete(std::string leaderboard)
CCLOG(“MyLeaderboardListener:onComplete: %s”,;

virtual void onFail()


In init() method I set listener as follows

sdkbox::PluginLeaderboard::setListener(new MyLeaderboardListener);

My logcat out put is as follows after pressing submit button:-

01-12 17:38:53.988: I/SurfaceTextureClient(29663): [STC::queueBuffer] (this:0x542df1f0) fps:54.15, dur:1015.76, max:42.17, min:10.03
01-12 17:38:54.997: I/SurfaceTextureClient(29663): [STC::queueBuffer] (this:0x542df1f0) fps:54.52, dur:1008.89, max:32.57, min:13.58
01-12 17:38:55.438: D/DisplayEventReceiver(29663): rev(0x51d0faf8) w/ vsync, t=21355082896351, id=0, c=140257
01-12 17:38:55.457: D/DisplayEventReceiver(29663): rev(0x51d0faf8) w/ vsync, t=21355100599813, id=0, c=140258
01-12 17:38:55.475: D/DisplayEventReceiver(29663): rev(0x51d0faf8) w/ vsync, t=21355118304966, id=0, c=140259
01-12 17:38:55.494: D/DisplayEventReceiver(29663): rev(0x51d0faf8) w/ vsync, t=21355136187351, id=0, c=140260
01-12 17:38:55.512: D/DisplayEventReceiver(29663): rev(0x51d0faf8) w/ vsync, t=21355153749813, id=0, c=140261
01-12 17:38:55.528: D/DisplayEventReceiver(29663): rev(0x51d0faf8) w/ vsync, t=21355171417736, id=0, c=140262
01-12 17:38:55.546: D/DisplayEventReceiver(29663): rev(0x51d0faf8) w/ vsync, t=21355189110659, id=0, c=140263
01-12 17:38:55.570: I/(29663): dequeued too many buffers, must throttle (2 dequeued)
01-12 17:38:55.587: I/System.out(29663): httpget:
01-12 17:38:55.588: I/System.out(29663):
01-12 17:38:55.596: D/libc-netbsd(29663): getaddrinfo: get result from proxy >>
01-12 17:38:55.597: I/System.out(29663): propertyValue:true
01-12 17:38:55.598: I/System.out(29663): [socket][21] connection /;LocalPort=57483(20000)
01-12 17:38:55.599: I/System.out(29663): [CDS]connect[/] tm:20
01-12 17:38:55.602: D/Posix(29663): [Posix_connect Debug]Process :443
01-12 17:38:55.997: I/System.out(29663): [socket][/] connected
01-12 17:38:55.997: I/System.out(29663): [CDS]rx timeout:20000
01-12 17:38:56.001: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake fd=0x410c4fb0 shc=0x410c5a60 timeout_millis=20000 client_mode=1 npn=0x0
01-12 17:38:56.001: D/NativeCrypto(29663): doing handshake ++
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x10 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 handshake start in UNKWN before/connect initialization
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:UNKWN before/connect initialization
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:23WCHA SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:error exit in 23RSHA SSLv2/v3 read server hello A
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): doing handshake – ret=-1
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=20000
01-12 17:38:56.002: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslSelect type=READ fd=70 appData=0x5430f750 timeout_millis=20000
01-12 17:38:56.007: I/SurfaceTextureClient(29663): [STC::queueBuffer] (this:0x542df1f0) fps:53.49, dur:1009.48, max:54.06, min:1.09
01-12 17:38:56.344: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslSelect READ fd=70 appData=0x5430f750 timeout_millis=20000 => 1
01-12 17:38:56.344: D/NativeCrypto(29663): doing handshake ++
01-12 17:38:56.346: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.346: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:3RSH_A SSLv3 read server hello A
01-12 17:38:56.346: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:error exit in 3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:error exit in 3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): doing handshake – ret=-1
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=20000
01-12 17:38:56.348: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslSelect type=READ fd=70 appData=0x5430f750 timeout_millis=20000
01-12 17:38:56.350: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslSelect READ fd=70 appData=0x5430f750 timeout_millis=20000 => 1
01-12 17:38:56.350: D/NativeCrypto(29663): doing handshake ++
01-12 17:38:56.354: E/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 cert_verify_callback x509_store_ctx=0x55e3bab8 arg=0x0
01-12 17:38:56.355: E/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 cert_verify_callback calling verifyCertificateChain authMethod=RSA
01-12 17:38:56.367: D/NativeCrypto(29663): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit ctx=0x54318a08
01-12 17:38:56.367: D/NativeCrypto(29663): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit algorithmChars=RSA-SHA256
01-12 17:38:56.369: D/NativeCrypto(29663): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit ctx=0x54318a08
01-12 17:38:56.369: D/NativeCrypto(29663): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit algorithmChars=RSA-SHA1
01-12 17:38:56.381: D/NativeCrypto(29663): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit ctx=0x54307698
01-12 17:38:56.382: D/NativeCrypto(29663): NativeCrypto_EVP_VerifyInit algorithmChars=RSA-SHA256
01-12 17:38:56.397: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 cert_verify_callback => 1
01-12 17:38:56.398: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.398: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
01-12 17:38:56.399: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.399: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.400: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:3RSD_A SSLv3 read server done A
01-12 17:38:56.400: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.404: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.404: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:3WCKEA SSLv3 write client key exchange A
01-12 17:38:56.404: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.405: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.405: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:3WCCSA SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
01-12 17:38:56.405: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.405: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.406: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:3WFINA SSLv3 write finished A
01-12 17:38:56.406: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.406: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.406: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:3FLUSH SSLv3 flush data
01-12 17:38:56.406: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.406: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
01-12 17:38:56.406: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:error exit in 3RFINA SSLv3 read finished A
01-12 17:38:56.407: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.407: D/NativeCrypto(29663): doing handshake – ret=-1
01-12 17:38:56.407: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=20000
01-12 17:38:56.407: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslSelect type=READ fd=70 appData=0x5430f750 timeout_millis=20000
01-12 17:38:56.714: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslSelect READ fd=70 appData=0x5430f750 timeout_millis=20000 => 1
01-12 17:38:56.714: D/NativeCrypto(29663): doing handshake ++
01-12 17:38:56.716: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.716: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:3RFINA SSLv3 read finished A
01-12 17:38:56.716: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x20 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 handshake done in SSLOK SSL negotiation finished successfully
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback calling handshakeCompleted
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback completed
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 SSL_connect:ok exit in SSLOK SSL negotiation finished successfully
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): doing handshake – ret=1
01-12 17:38:56.717: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 NativeCrypto_SSL_get_certificate => NULL
01-12 17:38:56.734: I/System.out(29663): >doSendRequest
01-12 17:38:56.734: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 sslWrite buf=0x411d7108 len=451 write_timeout_millis=0
01-12 17:38:56.734: D/NativeCrypto(29663): Doing SSL_write() with 451 bytes to go ssl=0x541ec238, appData=0x5430f750
01-12 17:38:56.735: D/NativeCrypto(29663): Returned from SSL_write() with result 451, error code 0 ssl=0x541ec238, appData=0x5430f750
01-12 17:38:56.735: I/System.out(29663): <doSendRequest
01-12 17:38:56.736: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x541ec238 sslRead buf=0x411d3060 len=8192,timeo=20000
01-12 17:38:56.736: D/NativeCrypto(29663): Doing SSL_Read() ssl=0x541ec238, appData=0x5430f750
01-12 17:38:56.736: D/NativeCrypto(29663): Returned from SSL_Read() with result -1, error code 2 ssl=0x541ec238, appData=0x5430f750
01-12 17:38:56.736: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslSelect type=READ fd=70 appData=0x5430f750 timeout_millis=20000
01-12 17:38:56.929: I/(29663): dequeued too many buffers, must throttle (2 dequeued)
01-12 17:38:57.015: I/SurfaceTextureClient(29663): [STC::queueBuffer] (this:0x542df1f0) fps:54.53, dur:1008.56, max:29.51, min:13.68
01-12 17:38:57.117: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslSelect READ fd=70 appData=0x5430f750 timeout_millis=20000 => 1
01-12 17:38:57.117: D/NativeCrypto(29663): Doing SSL_Read() ssl=0x541ec238, appData=0x5430f750
01-12 17:38:57.118: D/NativeCrypto(29663): Returned from SSL_Read() with result 192, error code 0 ssl=0x541ec238, appData=0x5430f750
01-12 17:38:57.149: D/dalvikvm(29663): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1498K, 55% free 3386K/7484K, paused 28ms, total 28ms
01-12 17:38:57.151: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x51d38ef8 NativeCrypto_SSL_interrupt
01-12 17:38:57.152: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslNotify, appData=0x542c5120 ret=1
01-12 17:38:57.152: D/NativeCrypto(29663): sslNotify, appData=0x542c5120 ret=1
01-12 17:38:57.153: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x51d38ef8 info_callback where=0x4008 ret=256
01-12 17:38:57.153: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x51d38ef8 SSL3 alert write:W:CN warning close notify
01-12 17:38:57.153: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x51d38ef8 info_callback ignored
01-12 17:38:57.154: I/System.out(29663): [CDS]close[55340]
01-12 17:38:57.156: I/System.out(29663): close [socket][/]
01-12 17:38:57.157: D/NativeCrypto(29663): ssl=0x0 NativeCrypto_SSL_interrupt

When I open the links in browser, which is I’m getting from above log cat out put then, a web page opens containing words “Invalid App”

I don’t know why the web page is showing “Invalid App”.

I checked all ids are properly declared.

please help me resolving this issue

callback onComplete & onFailed come from


Hi yinjimmy,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes now I’m getting callback from PluginLeaderboard::getLeaderboard(kLevelLeaderBoardId);

But it is coming in onFailed always.

I don’t know why is so?

I want to know that my score is submitted successfully on leader board or not.

How to achieve this ?

have you added Leaderboards ?

  • Login to Developer Portal.

  • On the left navigation bar, click on My Games.

  • Select the game and go to Leaderboard section for that game.

  • Follow the steps to Add Leaderboard.

  • Fill in the Leaderboard details and click on the Save and Continue button.

  • Note the automatically generated Leaderboard Id. You’ll need this to post scores to the leaderboard as described in the next step.